Rescue Mission: Emergency services for homeless men, women, and children
535 E. Yanonali St, 805-966–1316,
Casa Esperanza: Year round transitional shelter of 100 beds by provider referral; related services for homeless individuals. 200 bed emergency winter shelters (Dec 1- Mar 30)
816 Cacique St, 805-884–8481,
Transition House: Residential and social service program for homeless families which can lead to permanent housing.
Shelter: 5pm-8am M-F (All day on weekends)
425 E. Cota St, 805-966–9668 or 805-730–3848,
Salvation Army Hospitality House: Full service transitional living center for single men and women
423 Chapala St, 805-962–6281,
WillBridge of SB: Transitional housing to prepare individuals for stability in residential program or independent living situation
1215 E. Monetcito St, 805-564–1911,
Hotel de Riviera: Single room occupancy hotel. Offers 18 month residential program for dually- diagnosed clients. Referral Only
125 W. Carrillo St, 805-963–6443,